Mt. Enon Missionary Baptist Church
Pastor Cory J. Pruitt is a native of Mobile, Alabama and a graduate of John L. LeFlore High School. Pastor Pruitt attended Selma University, Selma, Alabama and obtained a Bachelor of Science Degree in Bible and Theological Studies at Liberty University, Lynchburg, Virginia. In May 2021, Pastor Pruitt is obtained Master of Theology Degree from the United Theological Seminary, Dayton, Ohio. Pastor Pruitt is the proud father of Madison, Kelsey, Rachel, Montanna, Cory Jr., Jaylen, and Blake.
Pastor Pruitt served as Pastor of the Mt. Zion Baptist Church #2 of Grove Hill, Alabama for eight years. Under Pastor Pruitt’s leadership, Mt. Zion became a visionary ministry whose goal was to meet the total needs of individuals and the community. However, on February 24, 2012, God spoke to the congregation of the Mt. Enon Missionary Baptist Church in Dayton, OH to elect Pastor Cory J. Pruitt to be their Pastor. Pastor Cory J. Pruitt accepted the call from God to become the eighth Pastor of the Mt. Enon Missionary Baptist Church, and in obedience to the Holy Spirit, he will continue to carry out the vision given to him by God to lead the church in building a healthy church to serve an unhealthy society.
Pastor Pruitt’s goals are many, however they include completely eliminating the debt on the J. F. Cunningham Family Life Center as well as continue to increase and diversify the ministries of Mt. Enon Missionary Baptist Church to better meet the needs of its members and the surrounding community. Pastor Pruitt is also committed to educating, empowering and evangelizing on a national level via weekly TV/Radio Broadcasting and the Daily Prayer Line. He often quotes Job 22:27, “If we pray, God will hear us and if we pay our vows we can decree a thing.” Pastor Pruitt has an expectation that those living on the margins of society will feel compelled to come to Mt. Enon Missionary Baptist Church, a house for all people to experience the love and care within the walls of the building and hearts of the people. Pastor Pruitt is a man after God’s own heart, one that has been sent of God, one who is anointed, appointed, and is a dynamic deliverer of the Word of God. Pastor Pruitt is one that preaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ with passion and without apology, with a heart and mind dedicated to the will of God.